Pauline Hanson Calls for Tougher Citizenship Test

Since 1996 Senator Pauline Hanson has been calling for a stop to Australia’s high immigration levels and today she has taken the Government to task by tabling an amended version of their abandoned citizenship bill.
“Australians are now suffering the effects, mostly in our cities, not only from high immigration, but from the impact that is occurring on people’s lives when new migrants who have no regard for our culture, way of life or laws, do not assimilate and don’t wish to. It is these people Australians are rejecting but their calls for control by governments, fall on deaf ears”, Senator Hanson said.
“Australian citizenship is a privilege, something that is earned, respected and cherished. This could not possibly be the case if citizenship is available after 1 year’s residency on a permanent visa and by passing a pathetic multiple choice test, not requiring to speak, read or write English. I am infuriated like many Australians are, including those who were once migrants themselves and are now Aussies,” Senator Hanson said.
In her amended bill Senator Hanson is calling for the waiting period for citizenship to be 8 years on a permanent visa, instead of the Governments proposed 4 years.
“Permanent residents have the same rights in this country as do its citizens, other than voting. We don’t have to rush into handing out citizenship papers. Once they are citizens we cannot remove them from our shores if they are criminals, persons of bad character, or wish harm to our country and people,” Senator Hanson said.
Coinciding with the Senators move to reignite debate on the issues of citizenship and immigration reform, One Nation has also released a revised immigration policy.
One Nation’s revised Immigration policy recognises the invaluable contribution of overseas born Australians, who have enriched our culture, committed to our values, our laws, our political institutions and the equality of the sexes.
“Population size and immigration are never open for debate or public input by any of the political parties except One Nation. The people of Australia have a right to know what their politicians have in store for our country when it comes to the population size and the cultural destiny of our country. I well and truly believe we need to let the people have their say,” Senator Hanson said.