Pauline Hanson Seeks PM’s Support to Build Queensland Rail Line

Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson will this week meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a raft of Central and North Queensland matters, including the rail line linking coal mines from the Galilee Basin to Abbott Point port.
The Queensland Labor Party had originally kiboshed the rail lines hopes of being built prior to the state election and now national leader Bill Shorten has supported Jason Clare who has said Labor will not support Aurizon’s bid to build the line either.
Senator Hanson said “My meeting with the Prime Minister will seek the Governments support to build and own the railway line as apart of Australia’s national infrastructure strategy”.
“This will be the second time I’ve put my case to the Prime Minister, citing the Governments golden opportunity to profit between $600 million and $1.2 billion each year from Adani and other coal mines within the Galilee Basin who all need haulage access to Abbott Point port. Without it, mining in Central Queensland will be stifled and jobs will be lost.”
“I’m tired of the Labor, Greens alliance which is reshaping and ultimately destroying industry and manufacturing in Australia. Labor were once a party for the blue collar worker, but they’re on a path to selling out miners right across the country and turning their focus on being a voice for vegans and bludgers.”
“The other 11 Queensland Senators might enjoy sitting on their hands, watching coal mines and their workers demonised to a point where they’re forced to close, but One Nation are right behind their future success.”
With over 1600 coal plants planned or under construction in 62 countries, Australia will play an instrumental role powering the globe and bringing third world nations out of darkness.
“Australia and more importantly Central Queensland is one of the few places in the world that can meet the demand for clean, quality coal blends for these new coal fired power plants. It’s imperative we’re ready for the demand and the Prime Minister must act sooner rather than later on funding the rail line.”