Pauline Hanson Urges Government to Reject “The Great Reset”
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has warned of devastating consequences if Australia adopts the World Economic Forum’s plans for a “great reset” across the globe.
The World Economic Forum is urging a “revamp of all aspects of our societies and economies” in response to the Covid-19 recession in the areas of education, social contracts and working conditions.
“To use the pandemic as an excuse to overturn lives, push control agendas, and meddle in social systems in countries across the world is totally unacceptable,” Senator Hanson said.
“This so-called reset is absolute rubbish and we should make a stand to play no part in it, to protect Australians and our way of life.”
In a Motion to the Senate, Senator Hanson will ask the Parliament to note that adopting the policies would devastate “the economic wellbeing and individual freedoms of Australians”.
Senator Hanson’s motion also asks the Senate to vote on whether the Australian Government should boycott all World Economic Forum events in protest over the Great Reset agenda.
The World Economic Forum claimed the drastic measure is needed to counteract social and economic problems caused by Covid-19 and avoid what it claimed would be the “worst depression since the 1930s”.
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism,” the World Economic Forum says on its website.
The World Economic Forum is a non-profit foundation based in Geneva, whose members include world leaders, billionaires, business executives and celebrities. Members include Prince Charles, Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, along with senior executives of the United Nations, the European Central Bank, the OECD, the IMF, Greenpeace and WWF.